4 Year Old Program Highlights
We will be working with your child on these skills during the year:
Personal and Social Development
Gaining self-confidence.
Following classroom rules and routines.
Participating in the group life of the class.
Playing cooperatively.
Taking turns and sharing.
Controlling impulses.
Expressing feelings appropriately.
Language and Literacy Skills
Following two- or three-step directions.
Demonstrating phonological awareness.
Listening attentively to a story.
Using expanded vocabulary and language for a variety of purposes.
Using an appropriate voice level.
Reciting simple rhymes and songs and familiar text.
Showing an appreciation for books and reading.
Comprehending and responding to stories read aloud.
Recognizing his/her first name and the names of some friends.
Identifying upper case letters A to Z.
Using personal pronouns - I, me, she, he.
Articulating clearly.
Describing pictures and inventing stories.
Attempting to print some letters and numbers.
Mathematical Thinking
Recognizing the numerals 1 through 10.
Beginning to use simple strategies to solve mathematical problems.
Understanding numbers and quantity.
Sorting objects into subgroups that vary by one or two attributes - size, shape, color.
Showing an understanding of and using several positional words - in, on, under, over, next to, behind, beside, next to, front and back.
Participating in measuring activities. and using non-standard items to measure objects (hands, shoe lengths).
Organizing and displaying objects on a graph.
Intellectual Development
Putting together a puzzle of at least 8 pieces.
Drawing a person with 5 or more body parts.
Naming the days of the week.
Identifying the parts of the computer and using age-appropriate software.
Scientific Thinking
Asking questions and using his/her senses to observe and explore materials and natural phenomena.
Using simple tools and equipment for investigation.
Social Studies
Identifying similarities and differences in personal and family characteristics.
Beginning to understand family needs, roles and relationships.
Describing some people’s jobs and what is required to perform them.
Demonstrating awareness of the rules.
The Arts
Participating in group music experiences, creative movement, dance and drama.
Using a variety of art materials for tactile experience and exploration.
Showing imagination and creativity in play.
Physical Development and Health
Walking up and down steps unassisted, using alternating feet.
Marching in time to music.
Catching a large ball.
Beginning to have control of writing, drawing and art tools.
Printing some letters and numbers.
Following basic health and safety rules.
Learning about foods and nutrition.
Playing well with other children.
Progress Reports are done three times a year. Teachers schedule conferences with you to discuss your child's progress.
Keeping it Lively
At JDN Harvest Bowl
People were in motion all evening at Jenkintown Day Nursery's Harvest Bowl fundraiser, sending their bowling balls down the lane, celebrating strikes, checking out the wide array of raffle baskets, and choosing from among the many refreshments at hand.
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